Media rich site for BLOC Weekend festival 2010
BLOC 2010 website
Specsavers ATM ads
Specsavers Multimedia "2 FOR 1" ads
10 second ad that runs on ATM machines. Other outputs of this brief included web and print distribution.
Bloc Weekend 2009 site
Flash site for Bloc Weekend 2009
Flash app / sticky-content for Heinz Ketchup
Patriotic Heinz Ketchup app /sticky-content / game / advertisement
A strangely engaging little squirty ketchup drawing app to which Pythagoras is partly responsible for (in relation to finding out mouse speed and therefore ketchup blob size).
NB: Ensure sound is enabled on your computer.
Interactive video website
Interactive video sketchbook
An experimental interactive video website showcasing some of my work. Running entirely in Flash, the site never departs from its live-action video medium. Consisting of multiple sections with sub-sections within these with a 'memory' of what has already been viewed/revealed. This piece is somewhat groundbreaking, even if I do say so myself (pardon the forthrightness... and the production-values for that matter, it is very much an 'experimental' piece). After searching far and wide I still haven't found anything quite like it in its degree of continuity and immersion.
NB: Ensure sound is enabled on your computer.
Flash banners advertising Marvel Digital Unlimited archive
Interactive letterbox banner for Marvel Digital Unlimited
Animated skyscraper banners for Marvel Digital Unlimited
Pop-up for Marvel Digital Unlimited
Flash banner advertisements
Glade Festival web banners
Quick Flash banner ads for Glade Festival 2008.
Reams of copy in a very small space!
Nokia web banners
Nokia banners adhering strictly to the scripted requests.
Flash game / widget
Against Boredom Even Gods Struggle In Vain
Small flash game / widget designed to alleviate boredom and divert attention from pressing duties.
Development possibility: Develop into a Flash puzzle game based on the story of Sisyphus in which each level would consist of a 'mountain' to roll your block to the top of utilising various environmental 'special' blocks (escalators / lifts / catapults for example).
Magazine & Internet ads
O2 magazine ad illustration
Advertising banners & assets for use on X-BOX Live
Monthly PIAS Ltd. artist showcase ads for use in FACT and Uncut Magazine
Bloc Weekend 2010 ads for use in MIXMAG, DJ Mag, VICE, FACT, Wire, Clash Magazine, Outline, Notion, Venue, Observer Music Monthly and The Guardian
Bloc Weekend '09 ads for use in MIXMAG, DJ Mag, VICE, FACT, Wire, Clash Magazine, Plan B and The Guardian
Bloc Weekend festival '07 ad for use in FACT magazine
more ads
Logo & Branding
Ophelia Fancy (clothing label) logo
Donut (film and television company) logo
The Cheerful Chilli Cafe logo
Good Shop (clothing label) logo
Donky Productions logo
Decap (clothing label) logo
Bloc Weekend festival logo
MAP - Music and Arts Production (Youth Services Charity) logo
Benchmark Productions (Events & Film production company) logo
Harewood (Footwear manufacturer) logo
AFX - Engineering for the Arts logo
Coco D'Amore (Chocolatier) logo
Marine Conservation Centre (Ireland) logo
Technical Illustrations for Atlantic Publishing
Refraction diagram
Estuary diagram
Seawater composition diagram
Formula 1 circuit diagrams
Tide cycle diagram
more technical illustrations
Hand rendered illustration & typography
Hey Buddy, Wanna Rumble? tshirt screenprint
Cosmic Slop logo
Flyers & Posters


Mary-Anne Hobbs (BBC Radio 1 / Planet Mu Records) club night flyer

Blackout club night flyer

B*Wilder (Kompakt Digital) club night flyer

Radioactive Man (Warp Records / Two Lone Swordsmen) club night flyer

Busker (short film starring Dominique Pinon) flyer for Cannes Film Festival

DJ Godfather (Touchin' Bass / Skint Records) club night flyer

Bloc Weekend festival flyposter

Bloc club night flyer

You Dance I'll Clap club night flyer

Billy Nasty (Tortured Records / Electrix Records) club night flyer

more flyers & posters